Photo Stories – 2019 Spring EducAid – Jingxi County, Guangxi Province
 刘阿姨和靖西一中的高中生们交流 Aunt Liu interacted with the senior high students of Jingxi No. 1 Middle School  高三同学将她去年秋天记下的上大学贷款须知和大家分享 Aunt Liu interacted with the senior high students of Jingxi No. 1 Middle School  她和大家分享去年我们讲述的大一注意事项 She shared some of the things to pay attention to, which we talked about in last year  她问大学放榜的时间正是她和家人在外打工之时,打工结束后回到靖西是否来得及向教育局申请大学贷款 She asked: the university’s date for release of admission decision will be when she and her family will be working out of the county, would she be able to catch up with the application for university loan submission to the Education Bureau when they return from their work  她问道:最近个性变得不爱说话,感到孤独,比较消极,是否得了抑郁症? She asked: wasn’t she has depression because of late her personality became not feel like talking, felt lonely and relatively passive  她主动向高二学妹所担心的抑郁症提出个人建议 She took the initiative to make personal suggestions on depression that her junior schoolmate of 2nd year senior high was worried about  一个拥抱胜过千言万语,相信经过我们的关怀和鼓励之后,她会渐渐变得开朗快乐 A hug worth better than a thousand words, I believe that after our care and encouragement, she will gradually become cheerful and happy  她的问题:阿谀奉承的人,该如何对待? Her question: how to treat a flatterer?  高一的孩子上学期没有接到学校通知参加座谈,这次一见面她哽咽地说:简阿姨,我去年对你的承诺“我们靖西一中见”,我做到了 Last term, this student didn’t receive the school notice to participate in the symposium; this time when she saw me, she choked in sobs and said: Auntie Jian, I promised you last year, "We’ll see at Jingxi No. 1 Middle School," I did it.  志愿者们和一中的高三学生合影留念 Volunteers took group photo with the 3rd year senior high students of No.1 Middle School as memento  祝福高三学生高考顺利并作最后的叮咛 Wished the 3rd year senior high students a successful college entrance exam and gave the final advice repeatedly  安慰哭泣的孩子 Comforted the crying student  高三孩子们送我们到校门口 The 3rd year senior high students saw us to the door  六年陪伴他们成长,孩子们的依依不舍也感动了校门口的警卫 Having accompanied them in their grow up for 6 years, their reluctance to part with us also touched the guard at the school gate  安德家访1 Home visit at Ande (1)  安德家访2 Home visit at Ande (2)  孩子的家 Student’s home  家访路上 En route to home visit  孩子家没人在,邻居告诉我们孩子的家况 No one at the student’s home, the neighbor told us the student’s home situation  边走边鼓励带路的初一孩子 On the way, encouraged the 1st year junior high student who led the way  刘阿姨鼓励安德学生 Aunt Liu encouraged the Ande students  安德的孩子们 Students of Ande  安德初中重新修建之后,原来的食堂改为宽敞的阅览室 Ande Junior High School after rebuilt, the original canteen was changed to reading room  男孩把他手写的信交到简阿姨手上 This boy handed Aunt Jian his hand-written letter  简阿姨,我会努力的 Aunt Jian, I will study hard  孩子开心、略带羞涩地说成绩进步了 Happy and slightly shy, he said his grade has improved  南坡家访 Home visit at Nanpo  南坡初中副校长(左一)和村干部(左二)带我们做家访 Nanpo Junior High’s vice-principal (first from left) and the village’s cadre (second from left) led us for home visits  砖块和木板隔成了学生的“卧室” Brick and plywood partitioned ‘bed room’ of the student  刘阿姨第三次参加“真爱明天”助学活动 The 3rd time Aunt Liu joined the “Tomorrow Program’ EducAid activity  南坡的孩子们 Students of Nanpo  刘阿姨帮忙发放助学金 Aunt Liu helped handing out EducAid  两位初三女孩说他们的目标是考上靖西民族高中 Two 3rd year junior high girls said their goal is to get admitted to Jingxi Ethnic High School  龙临家访,学生的妈妈(右二)患有肾衰竭,每周须做两次血液透析,家庭经济陷入困境 Home visit at Longlin, the student’s mother (second from right) suffered from kidney failure, has to do hemodialysis twice a week; the family in financial plight  脸上有天生缺陷,从小没有妈妈,爸爸长年在外辛苦打工,和奶奶相依为命;女孩从我们进门就一直哭泣 Her face has congenital defect, has no mother since she was a little child; her father does labor work year-long out of the county, she lives with her grand-ma; she kept crying since we arrived for home visit  关爱和鼓励带给她希望,让她能安心继续上学;孩子的成长太不容易了 Concern, love and encouragement gave her hope, let her continue with her study with peace of mind; it is not easy in her growing up path  关怀和鼓励似乎给了她前进的动力 Care and encouragement seeded to have given her the motivation to move forward  刘阿姨鼓励龙临的孩子们 Aunt Liu encouraging the students of Longlin  孩子们明白了为什么必须努力,全部举手表示要为了自己的未来付出最大的努力 Students understand why they have to study hard, they raised their hands to show that they will make the best effort for their future  给妈妈生病的孩子加油打气 Encouraged the child whose mother was sick  果乐初中即将被撤并,我们特地来给仅剩的三位“真爱明天”初三孩子送助学金 Guole Junior High is about to be closed/combined with another school, we specially come to hand out the EducAid to the only three remaining “Tomorrow Program” 3rd year junior high students  果乐的最后一次发放助学金 The last hand out of the EducAid to the Guole students  孩子们不舍我们匆匆离去,祝福她们中考顺利,我们下学期高中见 The students were reluctant to see us leaving in a hurry; we wished them a smooth high school entrance examination; we shall see them next school term in the high school  第一次来到四年前新成立的靖西民族高中,三个“真爱明天”学生见到我们,激动得过来抱成一团 Our first visit to the Jingxi Ethnic Senior High School established 4 years ago; three of the “Tomorrow Program” students were excited when they saw us and embraced us  阔别三年终于见面了 Finally we see them again after three years  孩子们个个都好开心 The students were all very happy  刘阿姨手抄励志名言请学生上前朗读 Aunt Liu asked students to come to the front to read aloud the inspirational quotes she hand copied  学生朗读后,刘阿姨把卡片送给他 After each student recited the quote, Aunt Liu gifted the card to him/her  民族高中的学生聚精会神听高考注意事项 Students of the Ethnic Senior High listened attentively to the thing to pay attention to for taking the examination  给民高孩子们介绍如何付出最大的努力、如何挖掘自己的潜力 Showed the Ethnic Senior High students how to make the best efforts and tap into their potentials  第一次接触到“真爱明天”的民高老师告诉学生说他被我们感动了,提醒学生要懂得珍惜和感恩 Teacher of ethnic Senior High who was first in his encounter with “Tomorrow Program” told the students that he was touched by us, and reminded the students they should know to cherish and be grateful  民高的高三学生合影留念,高兴我们没有错过这些孩子 3rd year senior high students of Ethnic Senior High took group photo as memorabilia, we are glad that we didn’t miss these students