Photo Stories – 2019 Spring EducAid – Napo County, Guangxi Province
 熊姐姐和定业学生交流 Sister Xiong interacting with students of Dingye  卢阿姨将助学金放进我们为学生准备的信封里 Aunt Lu put the EducAid into the envelopes we prepared for the students  定业没有多余的教室,我们在学校阅览室座谈 Dingye does not have spare classroom, the symposium was held in the school’s reading room  林大哥和学生们分享自己的成长经验 Brother Lin shared his growth experience with the students  孩子们领了助学金后在签收表上签字 Students signed for receipt of the EducAid  她说上学期她依照我们的办法坚持努力,成绩进步了,同时也更加自信 She said: last term, after following our way in persevering study hard, she made academic progress and became more confident  孩子们认真记下简阿姨谈话重点 Students seriously took notes on the salient points of Aunt Jian’s talk  大哥哥、姐姐给初三孩子们传授学习方法 The big brothers and sisters taught studying methods to the 3rd year junior high students  卢阿姨教志愿者如何记录家访信息 Aunt Lu told the volunteers how to make record of the information from home visits  父亲长年在外打工,单亲孩子独自一人住,晚上睡觉时被老鼠咬怕了,就用木板隔了一个空间当睡房 The father works far away year long, the single-parented student lives alone; having been scared by mouse bites when asleep, he built a sleeping room with plywood  政府补贴危房外墙加固 Reinforcing external wall of the decrepit house with government subsidy  房子内部依旧,仍是原来的木房 The inside of the house remain unchanged, still the original wood-built house  政府另建了一间极小的砖房给他们,但须自己花钱完工,没有任何经济来源的家庭,不知何时才能搬入 The government built another tiny small brick house for them, but they have to spend money to do the finishing; a family without any financial source, they don’t know when they can move in  又是一间外墙加固的瓦房 Another external wall reinforced brick house  单亲爸爸(左二)为了照顾两个从小失去妈妈的孩子和90多岁的奶奶,没有出外打工 Single-parent father (second from left) does not work because he has to take care of the two children and the 90 year old grandma  四处漏风的厨房 Kitchen that is exposed to wind  破旧的木砖瓦房,木头地板已经腐朽不堪,从二层可以直接看到蓄养在一层的牲口,虽然是精准扶贫建档立卡户,仍然没钱修新房子 Dilapidated wood and brick house, the wood floor have been much rotten; the animals kept on the ground floor could be seen through the first floor; although the family has been in the file record of the PPA, there is still no money to build a new house  大姐姐和龙合学生分享自己和学生们相似的成长背景 Big sister shared the background of her growth which is similar to that of the Longhe students  大哥哥告诉孩子们努力学习才是走出大山的正确途径 Big brother told the students that studying hard is the correct path to leave the mountain life  这个孩子刚出生几个月就失去了母亲,写得一手好字,成绩很好,还是班长 This child lost his mother when he was just a few months old; his hand writing is good, with very good studying results and is also the class prefect  半年不见,龙合孩子们又长高了 Having not seen for 6 months, the Longhe students have grown much taller  认真的孩子们 students taking notes seriously  为这个长年独居却又上进好学的初一孩子加油打气 Cheered up and encouraged this firs year junior high aspirant and willing to study student who lives alone  座谈后志愿者和高中生们聊天 Volunteers chatted with the senior high students after the symposium  第一天晚上高中座谈结束后,两个女孩留下又哭又笑地问了些私人问题 After the first evening’s senior high students symposium, two girls stayed behind and asked some personal questions in tears and laughter  选择放弃了学费昂贵的三本大学,她决定复读重考,祝愿她这次马到成功 Chose to give up the expensive tuition fee 3rd tier independent college, she decided to repeat studying 3rd year senior high school and retake the national college entrance exam; wishing her success  周日下午和高中生们第二次座谈并发放助学金 Sunday afternoon second symposium with senior high students and hand out EducAid  高考已开始倒计时,孩子们详细记下上大学须具备的各种能力和注意事项 National college entrance exam count down already started, students taking detail notes on the required abilities and matters that need attention for studying in university  她说有时感到迷茫,导致有点消极,该怎么办? She said sometimes she was confused, caused her to be a bit negative, what should she do?  她鼓起勇气害羞地站起来问关于早恋的问题,引起哄堂大笑 She took the courage to stand up and asked shyly questions about puppy love, the whole room burst into laughter  她问道:老师要大家多读名著,但三观不正的名著该读吗? She asked: the teacher asked everyone to read famous books, but should those with incorrect 3 fundamental views be read?  高三男生问道:高考的压力和繁重的复习已经到达了他的临界点,感到很厌烦了,该怎么办? A 3rd year senior high boy asked: the pressure and many revisions in preparation for the college entrance exam have reached his critical point that he felt very bored, what should he do?  她为简阿姨戴上她自己编织的手环 She put on for Aunt Jian the bracelet that she braided  志愿者们和高三毕业生合影留念 Group photo of volunteers with the 3rd year high graduates  学生的姑姑为我们打开这间学生家并告诉我们学生的家况 The student’s aunt opened the student’s home for us and told us about the student’s family  虽然姑姑不住这里,但也要给祖先点上一根香 Although the aunt doesn’t live there, she had to first offer incense to the ancestors  学生家的内部情况 Inside of the student’s home  学生的姑姑要求与志愿者们合影 The student’s aunt asked to take a photo with the volunteers  学生的姨妈抹着眼泪告诉我们学生的家况 Wiping her tears, the student’s aunt told us the student’s family situation  晚上6:30开始座谈,民中孩子们早已在阶梯教室等我们到来 The students of Ethnic Middle School were waiting for us at the tiered seating classroom before the symposium started at 6:30p.m.  民中的“真爱明天”孩子们 Ethnic Middle School students under the “Tomorrow Program”  大哥哥和大姐姐用他们的成长经历鼓励孩子们 Big brother and sisters encouraged the students with their growth experience  上学期没能坚持努力到学期结束,每个孩子都有各自的理由,连成绩优秀的他都不例外 Every student has their own reasons for not having persisted till end of the last school term, even he with excellent grades is no exception  大家举手向自己做下坚定地承诺这学期要付出最大的努力并且坚持到底 Everyone raised their hands and made a firm commitment to themselves that for this term they must make utmost effort and persist to the end  她提出学习上的问题 She brought up questions on her study  勇于提问的孩子不仅为自己也为在场的同学找到答案 The student who was brave enough to ask questions not only found answers for herself but also for the students present  大哥哥告诉大家提高学习效率的方法 Big brother told everyone how to improve studying efficiency  踊跃提问 Asked questions enthusiastically  大姐姐回答学习上的问题 Big sister replied to questions on studying  卢阿姨和孩子们说话 Aunt Lu talked to the students  原以为一直哭泣的孩子要诉说她的个人问题,却只是为了感谢我们三年来的教导和陪伴......感恩的孩子感动了我们 We thought that the student who had been crying wanted to tell her personal problems, but she just wanted to thank us for the teaching and companionship for three years... the grateful child touched us  三个孩子深深鞠躬感谢我们 These 3 students thanks us with a deep bow  患有糖尿病的孤儿经过医生调整每餐的注射剂量后,气色比上学期好多了 This orphan with diabetes looked much better this school term after the doctor adjusted his dosage after each meal