Photo Stories – 2019 Fall EducAid – Guangnan County, Yunnan Province
 广南县篆角初中新建成的教学楼,这学期开始启用 This semester, the newly built school buildings in Zhuanjiao Junior High School in Guangnan County were opened.  志愿者们分别与申请加入“真爱明天”的初中生个别面谈(1) Volunteers interviewing junior high school students who applied to join the "Tomorrow Program" (1)  志愿者们分别与申请加入“真爱明天”的初中生个别面谈(2) Volunteers interviewing junior high school students who applied to join the "Tomorrow Program" (2)  志愿者们分别与申请加入“真爱明天”的初中生个别面谈(3) Volunteers interviewing junior high school students who applied to join the "Tomorrow Program" (3)  我们仔细审核讨论每一位申请者的家庭情况 We carefully review and discuss the family situation of each applicant.  布艮族男孩家有六个兄弟姐妹,最小的还不会走路(1) This Bugen boy has six brothers and sisters. The youngest doesn’t know how to walk yet (1)  布艮族男孩家有六个兄弟姐妹,最小的还不会走路(2) This Bugen boy has six brothers and sisters. The youngest doesn’t know how to walk yet (2)  由政府补贴建成的砖房都挂着(云南省农村危房改造)的牌子 The brick houses built through government subsidies all have signs with “Renovation of rural dilapidated housed in Yunnan Province”  虽然危房已改建成砖房,但绝大部分的学生家庭再也没有能力装修房子内部 Although the dilapidated houses have been converted into brick houses, most of the student families don’t have the money to decorate the interiors of the houses.  学生睡觉的房间 The room where the student sleeps  篆角山上村子里铺了一个小水泥平台,围墙是手绘色彩鲜艳的图片,也许是给村民聚会用的 In the Zhuanjiao village in the mountains, there is a small cement platform surrounded by a wall of colourful, hand-painted pictures. Perhaps this is used for village gatherings.  两位陪同家访的老师(左一、左二)正在向我们解释当地的旧房改造政策,学生的亲生父亲已去世,妈妈背着和招赘继父生的弟弟,旁边蹲着的小女孩是两年前去世的哥哥留下的,她的妈妈跑掉了 The two teachers who accompanied us on the home visit (first and second from the left) are explaining to us the local housing renovation policy. The student’s biological father had passed away. Her mother is carrying a new baby boy from her remarriage on her back. Her mother’s brother died two years ago, and his wife ran away, leaving behind their young daughter who is squatting beside us.  学生的奶奶(中间)说,妈妈七八年前跑掉了,爸爸虽然在外面打工但是挣不到什么钱,家里还住着漏雨的土房 This student’s grandmother (middle) said that the student’s mother ran away seven or eight years ago. Although her father was working away from home, he did not make much money. The family still lived in an earth house that leaked whenever it rained.  无力重修新房,政府出钱加固了旧土房 The family had no money to build a new house. The government gave them some money to reinforce the old earth house.  天雨路滑,村里路面尚未硬化,山坡上的居民铺设木板以便通行 When it rains, the road is slippery. The roads in the village are not paved. The residents of the hillsides lay down wooden planks to help people walk.  苗族妈妈站在路口等志愿者 This Miao mother is standing at the intersection, waiting for the volunteers  苗族女孩的家(1) The Miao girl's home (1)  苗族女孩的家(2):家里有7个孩子,其中5个在读书,最小的还背在背上 The Miao girl's home (2): There are 7 children in the family, 5 of them are going to school. The youngest is still on the mother’s back.  苗族女孩的家(3):厨房 The Miao girl's home (3): Kitchen  村里的路没有硬化,老师的车和我们的鞋子全都沾满了泥巴 The roads in the village are not paved. The teacher’s car and our shoes are all covered with mud.  苗族学生家在山坡上,学生爸爸下来与我们会面 The Miao student’s home is on the hillside. The student’s father came down to meet us.  山坡上刚改造好的小砖房是学生的家 The newly renovated small brick house on the hillside is the student’s home.  与篆角学生们首次座谈,孩子们对我们充满了好奇心 This was our first discussion with the students of Zhuanjiao. The children are all curious about us.  广南有彝族、苗族、壮族、汉族......的孩子们 Guangnan County has children from many ethnicities – Yi, Miao, Zhuang, Han...  篆角初中的孩子们 Children from Zhuanjiao Junior High School  广南县人口众多,偏远的篆角初中竟然有两千多个学生 Guangnan County has a large population. Even in this remote junior high school, there are more than 2,000 students.  大姐姐讲述她初、高中的求学经历,并分享自己的学习方法 Our volunteer big sister shares her junior and high school experiences, and her own learning methods.  大家认真做笔记 Everyone takes notes seriously  向我们的学生介绍“真爱明天”的由来和详情 Introducing our students to the origin and details of the "Tomorrow Program"  孩子们个个家境艰难,简阿姨教他们“武功秘籍”改变想法处理身边的种种困难 The children all have difficult family situations. Aunt Jian teaches them the “secret martial arts techniques” to change their mindsets and to help them deal with the challenges they face.  会按照记下来的步骤去做的同学请举手 Please raise your hand if you are going to follow the steps recorded.  篆角初中发放助学金 Delivering the education grants at Zhuanjiao Junior High School  座谈结束后,篆角校长和老师们过来带我们去学校食堂吃饭 After the discussion, the principal and teachers of Zhuanjian Junior High School came to take us to the school cafeteria to eat.  篆角初中全新的学生食堂 The new student canteen in Zhuanjiao Junior High School  杨柳井初中的前身是农业学校,占地很大,环境优美 Yangliujing Junior High School used to be an agricultural school. It occupies a large area. The surrounding environment is beautiful.  校长在杨柳井初中工作二十多年了 The principal has worked at Yangliujing Junior High School for more than 20 years.  杨柳井初中校园 The campus of Yangliujing Junior High School  个别面谈之前,我们先跟申请加入“真爱明天”的孩子们解释个别面谈的内容和流程 Before the individual interviews, we explained the content and process of the individual interviews to the children who had applied to join the “Tomorrow Program”  卢阿姨与杨柳井学生个别面谈 Aunt Lu in an individual interview with a student from Yangliujing Junior High School  细心询问学生的家况 Carefully asking about the student's family situation  志愿者们从简短的面谈中问出父母及家况重点并详细记录下来 From a brief interview, the volunteers find out about the parents and the family situation, and record the key points in detail.  说到父母的情况,孩子哭了 When she spoke about her parents, this child began to cry  详细讨论每个申请学生的受助资格 Discussing in detail the eligibility of each applicant  单亲的壮族女孩(左一)住在学校附近的村子里,爸爸为照顾80多岁的奶奶没有出去打工,帮亲戚干农活,姐弟俩都走读 This single-parent Zhuang girl (first from left) lives in a village near the school. Her father stayed in the village to help take care of his 80-year-old mother. He helps their relatives do farm work. Both the girl and her brother attend day school.  学生的奶奶耳朵重听,老师大声地向她重复我们的问题 The student’s grandmother is hard of hearing. The teacher repeated our questions to her loudly.  老师没有联系上学生家长,房子虽已危房改造好了, The teacher was unable to contact the parents of the student. The dilapidated house has been renovated.  学生家长不在,村里的扶贫办人员(右一)向我们详细诉说学生家况 The parents of the student are absent. The poverty alleviation office in the village (first from the right) told us about the student’s family situation in detail.  上学期陪同我们考察的教育局老师(右二)被暂时调到我们家访的村里扶贫办参与扶贫工作 The teacher from the Education Bureau (second from the right) who accompanied us during our visit last semester was temporarily transferred to the poverty alleviation office of this village to participate in poverty alleviation work.  学校负责扶贫的老师告诉孩子们有幸接受资助须懂得感恩 The school teacher in charge of poverty alleviation tells the children that they are fortunate to receive financial support, and should be thankful.  大哥哥与孩子们分享自己的成长和求学经历 Our volunteer big brother shares his experience growing up and going to school with the children  大姐姐用自己的亲身经历鼓励孩子们努力读书,把命运掌握在自己的手里 Our volunteer big sister uses her personal experience to encourage the children to study hard. They hold their destiny in their own hands.  虽然是首次座谈,孩子们仍非常害羞腼腆但互动良好 Although this was our first discussion and the children were still very shy, they interacted well.  小男孩和简阿姨两人示范了发放助学金之后,有同学表示简阿姨发助学金时不需要向男孩鞠躬,因为简阿姨是长辈 After the little boy and Aunt Jian demonstrated the awarding of the education grant, some students said that Aunt Jian did not need to bow to the boy because she was an elder.  杨柳井初中发放助学金 Handing out education grants at Yangliujing Junior High School  志愿者确认孩子们没有在别人的格子里签上自己的名字 The volunteers confirming that the children signed their names in the correct spot  学生在助学金的信封上写上年级、班级和名字,交由老师代为保管,每星期跟老师领取所需费用 The students write their year, class, and name on the education grant envelopes and give it to the teacher for safe keeping. Each week, they receive a portion of the grant from the teacher.