Photo Stories – 2019 Fall EducAid – Jingxi County, Guangxi Province
 傍晚时分,一中的高中生们在篮球场打球 In the evening, the students of Jingxi No.1 High School are playing basketball.  高一学生刚一见面就迫不及待先告诉简阿姨上学期成绩进步了 When this freshman student saw Aunt Jian, she could not wait to tell her about how much her grades improved last semester.  靖西一中的孩子们 The children of Jingxi No. 1 High School  建文姐姐跟学生们说了很多她东北家乡的风土人情和趣事 Volunteer big sister Jianwen telling the students about the customs and interesting things in her hometown in northeast China  结斌哥哥给孩子们分享旅行中的见闻 Volunteer big brother Jiebin sharing his travel experiences with the children.  很开心 Very happy  高中生们用心记下简阿姨说的关于抑郁症、早恋、以及学习方面的对策 The high school students carefully wrote down Aunt Jian’s countermeasures for depression, puppy love, and learning.  老师每天布置的卷子都做不完,很焦虑,我该怎么办? I can’t finish all the work that the teacher assigns every day. I’m very anxious. What should I do?  高一学生(前排)请问高三学姐:高二高三怎样合理安排作息时间? The freshman high school student (front row) asked the senior high school student: How do I best arrange my schedule for the junior and senior years?  谢谢简阿姨回答了我上学期有关抑郁症的问题,我不再担心了 Thank you Aunt Jian for answering my question about depression last semester. I am no longer worried.  一中座谈结束后,与申请加入“真爱明天”的高中生面谈 After the discussion at Jingxi No.1 High School, we interview the high school students who applied to join the "Tomorrow Program"  龙临家访 Home visit in Longlin  狭小的砖房里面除了冰箱之外一无所有 There is nothing but a refrigerator in the small brick house.  危房改建只建了前面一部分,木门打开是原有的部分瓦房,现在作为厨房 During the renovation of the dilapidated building, only the front of the house was rebuilt. The wooden door leads to the original tile house, which is now used as the kitchen.  厨房依旧是原来的样子 The kitchen is still the same  屋里没有任何装修 There are no decorations in the house  村里大部分的危房改造都是这样前半部砖房,后半部瓦房 Most of the dilapidated buildings in the village are the same - the front half is a renovated brick house, the back half is the original tile house.  家访路上 On the way to a home visit  识途老马背着柴火独自回家 This old horse can go home with the firewood by itself  因患小儿麻痹症而腿部萎缩的妈妈,身高只有1.2米左右,从地里走回来需要比常人多得多的时间 The student’s mother has atrophy of the legs due to polio, and is only about 1.2 meters tall. It takes her much more time to walk back from the fields than the average person.  学生的父母都因小儿麻痹症残疾,勉强能干一些农活,妈妈不能久站,靠手里的竹竿支撑一会儿 The parents of the student are both disabled because of polio. They can only do some farm work with difficulty. The mother cannot stand for long, and relies on the bamboo pole in her hand for support.  建文姐姐在龙临初中 Volunteer big sister Jianwen at Longlin Junior High School  结斌哥哥在龙临初中 Volunteer big brother Jiebin at Longlin Junior High School  跟龙临孩子们强调沉迷手机对初中孩子们在学习上的危害 Emphasizing to the children of Longlin Junior High School the dangers of indulging in mobile games on their learning  龙临新生面谈(1) Interviews with new students at Longlin Junior High School (1)  龙临新生面谈(2) Interviews with new students at Longlin Junior High School (2)  龙临发放助学金 Awarding education grants at Longlin Junior High School  民族高中校长到校门口接我们 The principal of the Ethnic High School came to pick us up at the school entrance  民高孩子们很高兴见到我们 The children of Ethnic High School are very happy to see us.  校长勉励孩子们用努力学习来回报“真爱明天”叔叔阿姨们的爱心 The principal encouraged the children to study hard as thanks for the love of the aunts and uncles of the “Tomorrow Program”.  民高的学生虽不多,但大家都很踊跃提问 Although there are not many students at the Ethnic High School, everyone is very enthusiastic.  结斌哥哥回答关于计算机专业申报和就业前景的问题 Volunteer big brother Jiebin answers questions about applying for computer science jobs and employment prospects  离别互道珍重 Saying goodbye, take care!  民高发放助学金 Awarding education grants at Ethnic High School  民高学生座谈会后与志愿者聊天 Students of Ethnic High School chatting with volunteers after the discussion  民高女孩哭着诉说父母吵架家暴的情况,让她很担心无心上课,怎么办? This girl from the Ethnic High School cried and told us that her parents often argued, and even hit each other. She was so worried that she could not pay attention at school. What should she do?  安德初中孩子到路口接我们去他家,边走边了解一些他的家况 This student from Ande Junior High School came to meet us at the intersection. As we walked back to his house, we learned about his family situation.  爸爸(右二)几年前脑部受伤,情绪控制能力差,经常发脾气,但孩子成绩很好,年级排名前十 His father (second from the right) suffered a brain injury a few years ago. He cannot control his emotions, and often loses his temper. But the student’s grades are very good, in the top ten of his year.  住在附近的姑姑(右一)经常过来帮忙照顾孩子和奶奶 His aunt who lives nearby (first from the right) often comes over to help take care of the children and grandma  奶奶不懂普通话,让学生做翻译:爸爸在其出生前一个月因肝腹水去世,妈妈在靖西郊外的街边摆摊卖菜,一个月回家一次 Grandma does not understand Mandarin and allows the student to translate: His father died of liver ascites a month before he was born. His mother sells food on the street in the suburbs of Jingxi, and comes home once a month.  90度驼背的学生奶奶 The student’s grandma has a 90-degree hunchback  另一位学生的奶奶带我们去看学生正在改建的家 Another student’s grandmother took us to see the student’s home that is being renovated.  进去学生家的通道太狭窄,拍摄不到那杂乱的景象 The passage to the student's home is too narrow to capture the messy scene.  也许是学生在宿舍里听不到老师的通知广播,大部分学生姗姗来迟,我们将座谈改为站着谈,也让孩子们知道准时的重要性 Maybe the students could not hear the teacher's announcements in the dormitory. Most of the students were late. We changed the format and had the discussion standing up. We let the children know the importance of being punctual.  别开生面的“座谈会”,相信孩子们都记忆深刻 After this discussion, I believe the children will remember these lessons deeply.  学生说平时上课迟到会罚站,今天大多数学生迟到,有些甚至迟到25分钟,我们就都站着说话。 The students said that when they are late for class, they are punished by standing. Most of the students were late today, some were up to 25 minutes late. We had our discussion standing up.  请大家坐下来记笔记 Please sit down and take notes  安德初中发放助学金 Awarding education grants at Ande Junior High School  孩子们把阅览室的桌椅排回原状 The children put the tables and chairs in the reading room back to their original positions.  通往南坡的道路正在修建拓宽 The road leading to the southern slope is being widened  南坡家访,遇到卡车装满了一箱箱的滤水器,原来是政府送给家家户户改善饮用水水质的福利 During the home visit to Nanpo, we ran into a truck filled with boxes of water filters. This was part of the government welfare program to improve the drinking water quality of all families.  学生的爸爸(右二)二级残疾,妈妈有严重的精神病 The student’s father (second from the right) has a second degree disability. The mother has serious mental illness.  学生爸爸的严重驼背 The student’s father has a serious hunchback  屋况 The condition of the house  木板、席子、棉被就是一个温暖的家 Wooden boards, mattress, and quilts make a warm home.  陪同家访的南坡初中副校长(左一)巧遇自己的中学老师(左二) The vice-principal of Nanpo Junior High School (first from the left) who was accompanying us on the home visits, ran into his own junior high school teacher (second from the left) by coincidence  学生的爸爸两年前病逝,妈妈因小儿麻痹腿残疾并驼背,我们在家门口等学生读小学的妹妹放学回来开门 The student’s father died two years ago. The mother was disabled and hunched because of polio. We waited at the entrance of the house for the student’s sister who was in elementary school to open the door for us after school.  危房改造后的厨房 The kitchen after the renovation of the dilapidated building  学生睡觉的房间 The student’s bedroom  木条和铁板简单拼起的大门 The front door is made of simple wood planks and steel plates  家访途中,副校长看到村子里居然贴着南坡初中今年中考的喜报,开心得笑逐颜开 During the home visits, the vice-principal saw that the village had posted the congratulatory notice for Nanpo Junior High School’s performance in the high school entrance exam this year. He had a big smile on his face.  在南坡初中校园里遇见我们的学生,她说手上周四小伤口,不碍事的 We met our student on the campus of Nanpo Junior High School. She said that the small cut on her hand was nothing to worry about.  学生回答不出大姐姐的问题,不好意思地笑了 The student couldn’t answer the question from our volunteer big sister, and smiled embarrassedly.  大哥哥鼓励大家努力学习,将来才能去看看外面的世界 Our volunteer big brother encouraged everyone to study hard and so that they can see the world in the future.  南坡的孩子们 The children of Nanpo  准备好孩子们的助学金 Preparing the children’s education grants  南坡初中座谈 Discussion at Nanpo Junior High School  南坡初中发放助学金 Awarding education grants at Nanpo Junior High School  应副校长建议,我们请三位违反校规的初三男生会后留下,私下劝导和告诫他们 At the suggestion of the Vice-Principal, we asked the three senior students who had violated the school rules to stay behind to privately persuade and to warn them.  三个聪明而淘气的男孩子与简阿姨拉钩约定:从现在开始,遵守校规,做其他同学的榜样 The three clever but mischievous boys pinkie swore to Aunt Jian: From now on, they will follow the school rules and be a role model for the other students.