Photo Stories – 2019 Fall EducAid – Wen County, Gansu Province & Nanjiang County, Sichuan Province
 文县梨坪初中有五六十个贫困生申请加入“真爱明天”,个别面谈之前,我们先跟孩子们解释我们无法资助每一个申请的学生,望他们理解 There are 50 to 60 poor students in Liping Junior High School in Wen County who applied to join the “Tomorrow Program”. Before the individual interviews, we explained to the children that we would not be able to support all applicants. We hoped that they would understand.  面谈梨坪初中学生 Interview with students from Liping Junior High School  志愿者们仔细问出学生的家庭情况 The volunteers carefully asked about the family situation of the students.  新铺好的坡路真陡,小心滑跤 The newly paved slope is really steep, be careful not to fall down  秋天的梨坪乡 Liping Township in Autumn  初三男孩的爸爸五六年前因肺炎去世,妈妈(右后方土门旁)七岁患小儿麻痹留下聋哑的后遗症,家里靠爷爷(右二)种植少量农作物供两个孙子读书 The father of this senior student at the Junior High School died of pneumonia five to six years ago. The mother (right rear by the door way) has been deaf-mute since the age of seven due to polio. The family relies on Grandpa (second from the right), who supports the two grandchildren through farming a small plot of land  老师告诉我们,初三男孩很用功,考上一所好高中没问题 The teacher told us that this senior student is very hardworking. It is no problem for him to get into a good high school.  旧房屋顶漏雨,无钱维修,只好用塑料防雨布支撑 The roof of this old house is leaking, but they have no money for repairs. They cover the leaks with a plastic tarp.  梨坪乡山上家访 Home visits in Liping Township  学生的父亲因矿难去世多年,母亲一人撑起这个家,供孩子们读书 The student’s father died many years ago in a mine disaster. The mother supports the family by herself, sending the children to school.  墙上孩子们的奖状是妈妈眼里最美好的装饰 In the mother’s eyes, the children’s awards and certificates on the walls are the most beautiful decorations.  厨房虽简陋但很干净 The kitchen is simple but very clean  农村里贫困家庭的孩子们在暑假期间个个都是家里的好帮手,天天做饭、洗衣、打扫、下地干活收玉米、除草...... The children of poor families in the countryside are all good helpers during the summer vacation. Every day, they cook, wash, clean, harvest corn, and weed the fields...  好开心 So happy  北大志愿者郭行哥哥 Volunteer big brother Guo Xing from Peking University  北大志愿者王浩彬哥哥 Volunteer big brother Wang Haobin from Peking University  梨坪初中的的孩子们很喜欢两位哥哥 The children of Liping Junior High School really like the two volunteer big brothers  经面谈和家访了解到这些孩子们的艰难情况,座谈时就教孩子们“武功秘籍”应对遭遇到的各种困难 Through interviews and home visits, we learn about the difficult situations these children face. During the discussion, we teach the children the "secret martial arts techniques" to cope with the challenges that they face.  梨坪的首次座谈,孩子们的积极回应让我们惊讶 In the first discussion at Liping, the children’s active response surprised us  认真记下如何克服身边种种困难的办法 Diligently taking notes on how to overcome difficulties and challenges  郭行哥哥分享参加70周年大阅兵游行方队的经历 Volunteer big brother Guo Xing shared his experience attending the 70th anniversary military parade  简阿姨请一位同学上前一起示范发放助学金 Aunt Jian asked a classmate to come up to demonstrate awarding an education grant.  大部分学生举手表示:发助学金时,简阿姨不需向学生鞠躬;我们借此解释为什么需要向学生鞠躬、为什么需要双手递上助学金 Most of the students raised their hands and said that when they receive the grants, Aunt Jian did not need to bow to the students; we explained why we need to bow to the students and deliver the education grant with both hands.  大哥哥帮忙发放助学金给梨坪学生 Volunteer big brother delivering education grants to Liping students  她问两位北大哥哥如何学习好英语 She asked the two Peking University volunteer big brothers how to learn English well.  两位哥哥轮番回答学生的提问 The two volunteer big brothers took turns to answer questions from the students.  没想到梨坪初中的首次座谈结束后,孩子们主动纷纷要求拥抱,很感动 I didn’t expect the children to take the initiative to ask for a hug after our first discussion at Liping Junior High School. I was very touched.  桥头乡文县四中新生面谈 Interviewing a new student at Wen County No. 4 Junior High School in Qiaotou Township  面谈时说到父母的状况,孩子哭了 When we talked about the situation of her parents during the interview, the child began to cry.  面谈后志愿者们仔细讨论每一份申请 After the interview, the volunteers discussed each application carefully.  四中的孩子们大部分是初中生,也有一小部分高中生 Most of the children in Wen County No. 4 Junior High School are junior high school students, with a small number of high school students.  卢阿姨忙着准备好孩子们的助学金 Aunt Lu is busy preparing the children’s education grants.  自我介绍 Self introduction  和同学们互动 Interacting with the children  观看了70周年大阅兵的请举手 Please raise your hand if you watched the 70th anniversary military parade  简阿姨问孩子们对今年国庆阅兵的观感 Aunt Jian asked the children about their thoughts after watching the National Day military parade this year.  男孩羞涩地回答:震撼! The boy replied shyly: Shocked!  大家记下来卓越成果背后所必须付出的艰辛努力 Everyone, remember that behind each outstanding achievement is a ton of hard work.  积极回应 Energetic responses  四中发放助学金 Awarding education grants at Wen County No.4 Junior High School.  两位北大哥哥回答四中学生的问题(1) Our two volunteer big brothers from Peking University answering questions from Wen County No.4 Junior High School students (1)  两位北大哥哥回答四中学生的问题(2) Our two volunteer big brothers from Peking University answering questions from Wen County No.4 Junior High School students (2)  座谈会后8位我们的初中生考上四中高中部,他们向卢阿姨登记并领取助学金 After the discussion, eight of our junior high school students who were admitted to the Wen County No.4 High School register with Aunt Lu and receive their education grants.  村里的房子外墙由当地政府统一粉刷,整个村子显得整齐美观 The exteriors of all the houses in the village were painted by the local government. The entire village looks neat and beautiful.  学生的妈妈到路口来接我们去家访 The student’s mother came to the intersection to pick us up for a home visit.  家里有四个孩子在读书,不是精准扶贫户,也没有低保 There are four children in the family who are going to school. The family does not qualify for poverty alleviation, nor disability assistance.  墙角的老式压面机,现在已很少见了 The old-fashioned noodle machine in the corner is a rare sight now.  五十多年前建的房子地震时受损,不敢住人,就拿来当客厅和仓库用(1) The house built more than 50 years ago was damaged during an earthquake. The family did not dare to live inside, but used it as a living room and warehouse (1)  五十多年前建的房子地震时受损,不敢住人,就拿来当客厅和仓库用(2) The house built more than 50 years ago was damaged during an earthquake. The family did not dare to live inside, but used it as a living room and warehouse (2)  学生妈妈匆匆地从地里赶回来,裤腿上沾满泥土 The student’s mother rushed back from the fields, her legs were still covered with dirt.  与一中学生面谈 Interview with a freshman in the junior high school  北大两位哥哥与一中学生分享自己高中三年的经验(1) Our two volunteer big brothers from Peking University shared their three years of high school experience with the students from Wen County No.1 High School (1)  北大两位哥哥与一中学生分享自己高中三年的经验(2) Our two volunteer big brothers from Peking University shared their three years of high school experience with the students from Wen County No.1 High School (2)  高三的她分享这次暑假还校补课期间付出了废寝忘食的努力,获得良好的成果,感觉很充实 This senior from the high school shared the stories about her efforts during the summer vacation, the sleepness nights during the remedial classes. She achieved good results and felt very fulfilled.  快速记下有用的信息 Quickly writing down useful information  我想问王哥哥一个问题 I want to ask Brother Wang a question.  高一学生请两位哥哥帮他分析该选文科或是理科 This freshman high school student asked the two volunteer big brothers to help him analyze whether he should study liberal arts or science  一中的高一学生们踊跃发问,非常优秀(1) The freshmen at Wen County No.1 High School eagerly asked many questions. They are excellent participants (1)  一中的高一学生们踊跃发问,非常优秀(2) The freshmen at Wen County No.1 High School eagerly asked many questions. They are excellent participants (2)  两位哥哥从不同角度对问题进行分析和解答(1) The two volunteer big brothers analyzed and answered the questions from different angles (1)  两位哥哥从不同角度对问题进行分析和解答(2) The two volunteer big brothers analyzed and answered the questions from different angles (2)  珍惜这次难得的机会 Cherish this rare opportunity  我还有学习上的问题想请教两位哥哥 I still have questions about learning that I would like to ask the two volunteer big brothers.  一中座谈结束后,她留下来哭着问问题,看她情绪太激动了,简阿姨请她坐下,把当场告诉她如何解决她的问题的每一步骤写下来 After the end of the discussion at Wen County No.1 High School, she stayed behind, crying and asking questions. Seeing how emotional she was, Aunt Jian asked her to sit down so they can write down how to solve the problems step by step.  学生家的土门 The earth door at the student’s house  学生出生后不久爸爸因意外去世,双腿瘫痪的妈妈带着孩子住在舅舅家,靠低保生活 Shortly after the student was born, the father died in an accident. The mother, who was paralyzed in the legs, lived with the children at their uncle’s house. They survive on disability assistance.  在舅舅和外婆的帮忙照顾下,孩子很用功上进,也曾是一中学生的妈妈非常欣慰 Under the help of uncle and grandmother, the child was very proactive and hardworking. The mother, who was a former student of Wen County No.1 High School, was very pleased.  单亲学生的爸爸长年在外打工,家里也没有老人,学生周末回到这个空无一人的家独居 The father of this single-parent student works away from home for most of the year, and there are no grandparents around. Each weekend, the student returns alone to this empty house.  志愿者们过桥到对岸家访,趁机合影留念 On our way for home visits across the river, we took a group photo on the bridge  周日下午南江上两初中孩子们刚从家里回到学校,老师和校长也在等着我们的到来 On Sunday afternoon, the students of Shangliang Junior High School in Nanjiang are just returning to school from home. The teachers and principal are also waiting for us.  年级第一名的初二男孩(左一)笑得很开心地说周末在家做饭、洗衣、打扫、摘玉米......,他和年级第二名的男孩(左二)是好朋友 The top ranked junior student (first from the left) happily described what he did at home during the weekend – cooking, washing laundry, cleaning, picking corn... He is good friends with the second ranked junior student (second from the left)  请两位男生上前示范高难度的美式足球训练 We asked two boys to come up and demonstrate a difficult American football training  示范之后,他告诉大家这个“死亡爬行”训练真的很难 After the demonstration, he told everyone that this "death crawl" training really is very difficult.  大家明白了想要达成心中的目标和梦想,必须付出巨大的努力和坚持 Everyone understands that to achieve the goals and dreams inside their hearts, it will take great effort and persistence.  上两初中发放助学金 Awarding education grants at Shangliang Junior High School  最后问大家还有问题吗,女孩举手站起来说有:简阿姨,我可以给你一个拥抱吗? When we asked if anyone had any final questions, this girl raised her hand, stood up, and asked “Aunt Jian, can I give you a hug?”  结果每个孩子都给简阿姨、卢阿姨一个深深的拥抱,非常感动 As a result, every child gave a deep hug to Aunt Jian and Aunt Lu. We were very touched.  跟孩子们解释因为南江的生活条件已改善,因此我们不再接收新生,等在座的初二初三同学都毕业后,我们就结束南江助学了 We explained to the children that because the living conditions in Nanjiang have improved, we are no longer accepting new students. After the junior and senior students in the audience graduate, we will end our program in Nanjiang.  勇敢地说出自己的感想 Bravely express your thoughts  孩子们聚精会神听讲 The children concentrate on listening  患有轻微智障的男孩已经比刚加入“真爱明天”时的状态进步很多,积极回应简阿姨的提问,让我们感到很欣慰 The boy with mild mental disabilities has improved a lot since he first joined the “Tomorrow Program”. He actively responds to Aunt Jian’s questions. We were very pleased.  下两的孩子们表示好好努力的决心 The children of Xialiang Junior High School expressed their determination to work hard  下两初中发放助学金 Awarding education grants at Xialiang Junior High School |