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Our Projects:


Tomorrow Program - Student Scholarship

The grief from the disaster of the 512 earthquake is fading in the memories of people, but for the surviving children in the area, hope still prevails. Simultaneously however, poverty also continues. The Tomorrow Foundation has supported 17,000 students since 2008, which includes visiting students and their families, with focus particularly in counties within Guang Xi, Gansu and Si Chuan (Northwest and Southwest China areas). The Tomorrow Student Scholarship Program partners with local governments and NGO's to provide critical aid, education and scholarship funding for these students and their families afflicted by the 512 quake.  


Although China has implemented a 9-year free compulsory education system to benefit locals, the cost of daily food and transportation expenses still remain a real burden to these students. All students who are considered for the program, undergo screening and background checks to verify that the students’ families are qualifying low-income farmers in key disaster areas. Massive landslides from the 2008 quake caused most of the farm lands to be destroyed and most of the families lost their only source of income. To put in perspective, 50% of our students' family annual income is less than $750.00/year or RMB 5,000.00, 90% of their houses collapsed and nearly half of the children’s families suffer physical ailments resulting from the quake, which require day-to-day care or long-term medical care. Moreover, the importance of helping these areas is in part due to the very limited attention and support for these remote mountainous regions. 


These students are facing a very difficult life, but they are strong resilient souls. One of our foundation students, Bai Xing is an example of this. Li’s father died many years ago and due to this, the family suffered financial hardship. Bai Xing worked as a child laborer in a restaurant outside her village for 2 years, after graduation from elementary school. She later received a local government’s grant to reduce school fees which helped support her to return to Qingchuan County, San Guo middle school for further study. However, she still must work during winter and summer vacation to earn enough education and living expenses for the next school year. After the 512 earthquake, her life was far more difficult, and she was planning to discontinue school. Through the Tomorrow Foundation, generous donors have committed to support her until university graduation. Bai Xing is now a senior in high school and achieved high honors and grades at school. She said: "I have gone through a lot of difficulties, but I will not fear or cry because I am happy now due to the support of the Tomorrow Program. (Click here to see the letter)


Fan Yu Fei, a quiet and strong-willed young man, was injured in the earthquake, leaving his left arm amputated. Fei stated: "Although my left arm was truncated, I am far more lucky than my schoolmates, as they are all so young and yet lost their precious lives in the earthquake. Due to my physical disabilities, I am unable to do any physical labor work to earn a living. But now, I have a chance to go to school and I will study hard to gain knowledge to make a better living in the future and am grateful for those who care for me." This summer, Yu Fei achieved excellent scores for his senior exams and the Tomorrow Program found a sponsor for him for the next 3 years, so that he does not need to worry about his school and the living expenses.


There are many children still in need of your help. The new school semester is starting soon and they are in need of emotional and financial support. Your compassion and generous support will give these children hope for the future and your sponsorship will make a direct positive impact on their lives.  With our foundation’s strong values in ethics, your donations will provide direct funding to those children in need. Tomorrow Foundation greatly appreciates your support and kindness.


Tomorrow Foundation Programs and Areas of Focus:

     • Scholarship Grants

     - The Tomorrow Foundation works with local schools to select and interview program students and their families based on qualifying income and needs.     
     - Scholarships and financial aid for each qualifying junior high student or senior student will be granted by spring and autumn semesters.     
     - The Tomorrow Foundation manages scholarship grants by partnering with local schools to ensure that sponsored students will receive scholarship grants in a timely manner.

    Community Service and Environmental Education

     - Sponsored students will participate in contributions towards social services and environmental protection community services once a week.
     - Local service programs include:

     1)  Caretaking seniors citizens

     2)  Counseling and care for other underserved children in need

     3)  Environmental clean up services for their local communities

     4)  Work towards maintaining green initiatives

     5)  Establish an environmental protection group

 Volunteer Program

     - Tomorrow Foundation volunteers are welcomed to join us to visit the sponsored students twice annually. Interacting with students and their families, gives volunteers the opportunity to positively impact lives by counseling and showing support..


     • Big Brothers & Sisters Program

     - University student volunteers will be assigned as big brothers and sisters of the sponsored students. Through exchanging letters/e-mails communications, summer camp activities, big brothers/sisters and the sponsored students will gain knowledge and life experiences together.


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Tomorrow Program - Saving Li Bing (Funding Program Ended)

In the beginning of 2009, Tomorrow Foundation visited the disaster area of the 512 earthquake in the Sichuan Province. The Principal of the Guang Yuan Cidy, Jian Ge Country’s Pu An Middle school requested us to help one of the school’s students, Li Bing.

Li Bing was a 2nd year junior high student in the Pu An Middle School. When he was one and a half years old, his father passed away and his mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia and cancer and sadly Bing had no support from family. At the end of 2008, Bing was diagnosed with uremia. In order to prioritize treatment for his illness, Li Bing discontinued his studies to go to the Mian Yang First People’s Hospital for the hemodialysis treatment twice a week, while staying with his uncle locally. Doctors recommended Li Bing to undergo kidney transplant operation, however, the operation will be too costly for his family to cover. The existing hemodialysis expenses were paid for by generous donations raised from his school teachers and students.

For the past two years, Tomorrow Foundation managed to contribute monthly for Li Bing’s medical expenses. We are raising funding to further support his medical expenses, specifically for dialysis treatment as well. Without the dialysis, toxins in Li Bing’s body cannot be removed completely, which could be life-threatening towards Li Bing’s health prognosis. 

Thank you very much for your support.

"Tomorrow Program”

Li Bing is undergoing the hemodialysis treatment twice a week in hospital

* Li Bing died of heart failure on February 10, 2011.

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真爱明天 2008-2019 蜀ICP备14014039号-2
北京大学 北京航空航天大学 成都中医药大学 天津开发区社会服务志愿者协会 TCL集团 科来软件